Eye Exam

As an eye doctor in Saginaw, TX, we encourage patients to visit our clinic for an annual eye examination to ensure that their vision has not changed. These appointments also allow us to look for signs of health problems and to treat any eye conditions as they arise. If you are wondering whether or not you should visit an eye doctor, review our list of indications that you need to call and schedule an appointment sooner than later.

Common Signs that You Should Visit an Eye Doctor in Saginaw, TX:

  1. It has been so long since you had a nice an eye exam that you cannot remember if you ever had one or when the last one was. Whether you wear glasses or contacts or you have always had pretty good vision, if you cannot remember the last time your eyes were checked out, you should schedule an appointment. This is especially true as you age.
  2. You feel as though you cannot focus on objects or things continue to become focused and then blurred.
  3. You’re constantly squinting in order to see clearly. This is often the first indication of vision changing and you may notice it in yourself or your children. If you see your children squinting, be sure to bring them in for an eye exam as soon as possible.
  4. Your eyes are pink or you have discharge. This can be a sign of an eye infection that requires immediate attention and medication.
  5. You are seeing strange flashes, spots, or dots in your vision.
  6. Your eyes are terribly dry and causing you discomfort all the time. Some people describe the shapes as floating in their line of sight.
  7. You suffer from uncontrolled diabetes, have regular fluctuations in your blood sugar levels or your family has a history of diabetes and you are concerned that you may be developing it. Diabetics regularly suffer from sudden vision loss so it is important to monitor your eyesight more closely if you struggle with this medical condition.
  8. You are experiencing blurred vision after working, watching television or playing games on your phone. These activities can further strain your eyes and limit your ability to see far away.
  9. You can no longer see up close like you used to or you’re having difficulty seeing things that are further away. It is usually fairly obvious when your vision changes to this degree. You may find yourself holding a book or magazine closer to your face or needing to squint in order to read road signs.
  10. You are having difficulty seeing things that are in your peripheral vision.
  11. You cannot see things as they are moving because you lose track of the object.
  12. Your child is complaining about not being able to read the board at school or their teacher mention that this might be a problem

Call Saginaw Family EyeCare Today

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call our clinic and schedule an eye exam. We can determine what is causing your vision loss and help you to see clearly.

Schedule your appointment today. We look forward to meeting you.